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Tema Iz Srpskog Stranica Moje Autobiografije

Tema Iz Srpskog Stranica Moje Autobiografije

Znam da nije bio ravnodusan kad me video.ma nisam ni ja a tek kad smo se culi.uh taj glas kako je dobro cuti ga opet.Dugo smo pricali malo se prisecali svega sto je bilo, ali kao da smo se I jedno I drugo plasili da zalazimo sto dublje u tu pricu pokusavali smo da sto pre skrenemo sa te teme. Matematika ili srpski jezik? Kratka i jednostavna objašnjenja gramatičkih pojmova sa puno primera, sastavi sa slobodnim i književnim temama, kao i linkovi ka. Dovoljno je samo da otvoriš stranicu Nauči lakše., izabereš svoj razred i.

.Summer, my favourite season. It's right time for kidding, happiness, swimming. Simply i rest from school and liabilities, and i get fun, relax, just like others.Last summer i was with my friends. One day we went to neraby lake. We stood there and looked - nobody was there.

Great, now we can have a lot of fun, and we don't disturb anyone. By lake there was little wood. We don't think to go to the wood, we just swam and sunbathe. My friends Kenan, Igor, Ajdin and Emir instantly went to swim, they don't put suntan cream on. While they screamed and smiled in lake me, Adisa, Ena and Emina sat on our towel and put suntan cream on. When we spoke enought, we went to the lake. We swam hours and hours.

Then we went out of water. Boys put towel on sand and spoke something about football. While they spoke, Adisa and I made plan.Kenan and Igor went to the wood, while Ajdin and Emir slept on sand.

Then Adisa and I took suntan cream and wrote something on their breast. So they slept a few hours and then they woke up. Right in that moment Kenan and Igor went back. When they are looked at them, they instantly start to laught. They have a reason - on Emir's back there was 'I love Ajdin', and on Ajdin's back there was 'I love Emir'. We all laughted, and they are confusedly looked at us. That was indescribable feeling.

And at the end, I can just say that that was my best summer ever. If I can, I will repeat it 1000 times. Although Emir and Ajdin was little angry at us, they forgive us. However, that day was unforgettable.Neda mi se drugi. Nije sa google prevoditelja.

Ne garantiram da je točno;).Summer, my favourite time of the year. It's the best time for fooling around, happiness and swimming. I rest from school and my obligations.

I am relaxed and I am having fun just like the others. I spent last summer with my friends.

One day we went to neraby lake. We stood there and looked – no one was there. I thought it was great because we could have lots of fun and not disturb anyone. Next to the lake was forest. We did not think about going to forest, we just wanted to swim and sunbathe. My friends Kenan, Igor, Ajdin and Emir instantly went swimming, they did not even put suntan cream on.

While they were screaming and laughing in the lake, Adisa, Ena Emina and me were siting on our towels and puting suntan cream on. After a while we went swimming. We swam hours and hours. Then we went out of the water. Boys put towels on sand and talked about football. While they were talking, Adisa and I were making a plan.Kenan and Igor were going to the forest, while Ajdin and Emir were sleeping on sand.

Then Adisa and I took suntan cream and wrote something on their chest. They were sleeping for a few hours and than they woke up. Right in that moment Kenan and Igor got back from the forest. They looked at Ajdin and Emir and they started laughing. They had a reason - on Emir's back was written 'I love Ajdin', and on Ajdin's back 'I love Emir'. We were laughing, while they were just looking at us. That was indescribable feeling.

At the end, I can just say that was my best summer ever. I would like to repeat it houndred more times. Although Emir and Ajdin were angry at us, they forgot us. However, that day was unforgettable.Mortal enemy of the people are kilograms.

More and more people are on various diets, while others just dont care what they look like. Some of them are eating too much, while others do not eat enough.

I think that women are more affected by this problem, so I am not an exception.Yes, yes, and my problem is weight. I'm not happy with my body. I am overweight, but what can I do? To starve myself and go to the diet?


No, this is not an option. I would rather do some exercise, instead of suffering from anorexia. The truth is that I eat food that contains a lot of calories and fat, but I just love it. I eat only twice a day. I do not eat a lot, but I eat food full of calories and carbohydrates.

In the school I eat chocolate and chips, a when I come home lunch is prepared. There is chicken, soup or something else.

I think that most of the weight I gain in the school. I would never give up food, even if I get more weight. Perhaps it would reduce the amount of candys I eat, because they are unhealthy and they are slowely losing their flavor. And if I go on a diet and see that it works, I will go many more times, and could get ill. If having 'healthy life' means being active, then I live the 'healthy life' (except I eat unhealthy food). I spend the whole spring and autumn on a bike, running up and down, while I spend my summer holidays swimming. But the winter is an exception.

I cannot do anything. I cannot swim or ride a bike, but I can sleep as long as I want, especially during holidays. Besides that I dance, but only when I am at home.I should be superthin, but it would probably never happen. The reason is food. Although I now need to loose up a bit and eat less unhealthy food, because the summer is coming and I will wear my bikini again. Therefore, bicycle, I am coming!U prvom tekstu sam ti sve stavila u proslo vrijeme, jer ti ne moze pola teksta biti u sadasnjem vremenu, a pola u proslom.

Tema Iz Srpskog Stranica Moje Autobiografije En

Neke recenice sam ti promijenila, jer mi je bilo komplikovano da ih prevodim.Svi smo mi dospeli u ovozemaljsku bastu koja se zove zivot. Staze kojima hodamo su razlicite,preplicu se i razilaze,mi tecemo kao vreme,radujemo se, smejemo, patimo, bolujemo i sto je najvaznije.Volimo.Tako sam i ja zavolela. Brzo, nepromisljeno, totalno blesavo.Zavolela sam tako lako a tako sam tesko znala to da pokazem.Mozda je to moja najveca mana a mozda cak i najveca vrlina.mozda cu upravo zbog toga uspeti da sacuvam svoje srce u jednom komadu sto retko kome polazi za rukom u ovom svetu punom lazi, prevara i neiskrenih ljubavi. A sa druge strane covek bez ljubavi je samo mrtvac koji dise, nista drugo do nekoliko slucajnih imena i datuma.Ljubav je cudna stvar. Danas je sve leprsavo i lepo i mi ususkani u svojoj ljubavi sijamo od zadovoljstva a sutra. Ugledamo onu stranu stvarnosti, onu stranu zivota koju juce nismo poznavali, svi lepi trenutci ispare a u nama ostaje jedino osecaj gorcine,usamljenosti i neobjasnjive tuge.

Da li je onda nase srce vredno da ga zrtvujemo zbog nekih lepih zelenih ociju? Ociju koje su tu uz nas,bodre nas i prate kroz zivot a onda odjednom nestanu kao da nikada nisu postojale, a nase srce ostane samo, napusteno i ranjeno.?

Ocigledno da jeste cim je toliki promet!!! Danas se srca poklanjaju tako nepromisljeno i brzo da je gotovo nemoguce sacuvati ih. Da li su ljudi poludeli ili i dalje ne shvataju da je srce ono najvrednije sto poseduju?Mozda su ipak ljudi u pravu. Mozda srce ipak treba staviti na kocku i cekati da naidje ono koje ce kucati u istom ritmu.

Mozda je ta neizvesnost ono sto u stvari cini ljubav a kada bi sve bilo ocigledno i lako ljubav verovatno vise ne bi bila to sto je sada. Zbog toga ne ljudi ne treba da se opiru kada ih pogodi Amorova strelica a jos gore da beze od toga i stide se da pokazu svoju zaljubljenost, taj najlepsi osecaj na svetu.Putevi ljubavi su veoma cudni i satkani su od bezbroj trenutaka. Svaki je poseban i neponovljiv.

Svaki prezivljeni dan i prespavana noc samo su delici ogromnog mozaika. Nikada se jedan prezivljeni trenutak nece ponoviti i zato treba voleti i biti vojen u svakom trenutku, tokom ovog celog kratkog i nesavrsenog zivota. A ja bih to verovatno prvo trebala da naucim sebe. JEL MI MOZE OVO NEKO PREVESTI NA ENGLESKI.PLEASE.:. VAS.

Tema Iz Srpskog Stranica Moje Autobiografije